Man vs Beach [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Man vs Beach [M]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2022 6:54:39 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Ever since That Thing That Happened, peaceful sleep was hard to come by for Isaac. Sometimes, that meant he just had to find it wherever he could get it, even if it arose out of the most unexpected of places.[break][break]

Today, that happened to be a nice, isolated corner of Slateport Beach. The sun was the warmest it had been in years. The waves were crashing down onto the shore in such a pleasing, repetitive cadence. The smell of sea spray and distant cookouts was downright irresistible. And the little picnic basket he'd treated his team to? Exquisite. Was it any wonder that, as Isaac sat there on his beach towel, he started to feel the inevitable pull of sleep tugging at his consciousness?[break][break)

With him asleep, his team saw their chance. Watson paced back and forth, rasping out a meticulous set of instructions for the other Pokemon present. Vivi and Rampage would help bury Isaac in as much sand as possible. Grimace and he would bring the water tl get it all clumpy. Ceres would tamp down the earth to make it a perfect burial. Sunny would hide under the beach umbrella and keep lookout. Good plan? Good plan![break][break]

At first, it was supposed to be a brief little prank. They'd bury Isaac just long enough to make sure the sand kept firm, then they'd wake him up so he could be surprised about being buried alive. Easy plan. However, as they tucked him into a tight, warm blanket of sand, Isaac seemed even more relaxed than he had been before. In fact, he looked downright peaceful! Their hearts thoroughly moved, Isaac's team decided they'd let him stay that way for a little while longer. Just a little.[break][break]

Then Watson found a beach ball, and a little while started to turn into a lot while. Oh dear.[break][break]

[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#d9b800;[/newclass]

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Cheri, Cherry
June 13
Cinnabar Island
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Cherise Winford
Man vs Beach [M]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2022 0:30:20 GMT
Cherise Winford Avatar

Cherise's team didn't spend all that much time in their pokeballs all things considered. Aylette more so than the others, as the girl's first pokemon, she was trusted to stay out of trouble more so than the others. The pidgeot was also, in a sense, everyone's chaperone. The poor overworked bird had a keen eye and a mother hen sense, and was constantly watching over her partner as well as the rest of the team. "You work way too hard, you know. You should play with the others." Cherise spoke gently to the large bird, motioning toward the smaller members of their team. Her voice was a quiet coo as she petted the fluffy feathers on Aylette's face. [break][break]

"We're going to have some fun today, we'll go swimming, get some suveneirs, and eat so many snacks." The ranger had come prepared for a full day of fun! She walked as she babbled at her pokemon, and started digging through her bag to make sure that everything was present. She had a big tote with things every beach goer needed. Sunglasses, Sunscreen, an extra large water bottle, some spare poke for snacks and souvenirs, some poffins and pokefood, and change in case they found a good vending machine. [break][break]

Unfortunately, while simultaneously walking, talking to Aylette, digging through her bag and glancing over at her Eevee to make sure she played gently with Ducklett, she didn't see the head popping out of the sand - and came dangerously close to stepping on it. Or - er, him. "Oh- excu...se me..." She would pause, looking down at the blond who was... buried... extremely well actually. There wasn't much of him to trip on at all - just his head poking out of the sand like a little clam or a flower. He was sleeping so peacefully too... shame about that awful sunburn. [break][break]

"Oh Aylette, I can't leave him like that." She frowned, leaning down to perch on the back of her legs, expression tinged with distress. "Hey, wake up! You need aloe, and sunblock, and some water." She looked around for any signs of chuckling friends, but he seemed to be here alone, buried completely. How had he slept through a burial like this?! "Aylette, can you give us some shade?" Cherise would turn slightly toward her Pidgeot, accenting the word 'shade', she spread her arms slightly and splayed her fingers - a signal for her partner to spread her wings and hold. [break][break]

Turning back toward the buried boy, the girl would hold back a chuckle.  "Yooohoo~ rise and shine sleepy head." Good thing she had packed for a good chance of sunburn, this guy was placed directly under the sun. Ouch. But at least the rest of him would be alright, he was buried so well! [break][break]



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played by


The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
Man vs Beach [M]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2022 0:48:37 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]A session with his Musharna before hitting the beach had set Isaac up for his clearest sleep yet. There were no visions. There were no sounds. There was nothing that could possibly haunt him, no matter how much life had tried. For once, his sleep was as peaceful as his waking life. And nothing could get in the way of that! Not even that little voice tickling at the edge of his brain![break][break]

Wait, what?[break][break]

When your peace was built on pure, uncompromising stillness, even the slightest diversion from the norm was enough to disrupt it. At first, it was troubling. Was this an uneaten dream trying to slip its way back in? A memory, something he'd opened up from the sheer depth of his dreamless sleep? Then he heard it again. And again. And it was getting louder, and clearer, and more real than the thoughts inside of his head. This wasn't a dream! This was another person! But where did this other person even come from? The beach was empty just minutes ago.[break][break]

The rest of his senses started to catch up to his hearing. Specifically, touch. A lot of touch. Not from someone or something, but from himself. Specifically, from his own face. Every single part of his face. It was like he'd been given a free acupuncture session while he was asleep. But what did that have to do with aloe and sunblock and water? And where would he even find acupuncture on the beach?[break][break]

Oh. 2 and 2 added together, and the answer was a rush of pain shooting through Isaac's entire face. "Shit shit shit shit I'm up I'm up I'm up!" he said, as if trying to turn back the clock on his little nap. How long had he been out for to get like this? He burst from the sand and scrambled to the edge of the shore, trying to see his reflection in the water. Upon seeing it, he cringed. "Oof. Yikes," was all he managed to say.[break][break]

Right. There was someone here. And, in typically Isaac fashion, he'd just made a clown of himself in front of them. Isaac returned from the edge of the ocean, shooting the girl a sheepish smile as he came back. "Hey, uh. Thanks for that," Isaac said, lucky that the sunburn was covering up any bashfulness he had over the whole mess. "Guess I drifted off for a second there. Or, uh. A lot more than a second, if there was time for all that to happen." He nodded his head to the Isaac-shaped hole in the sand. There wasn't even that much sand on the beach when he got here![break][break]

"I'm Isaac, by the way. Nice to meet you."[break][break]

[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#d9b800;[/newclass]

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Cheri, Cherry
June 13
Cinnabar Island
Ranger / Performer
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Cherise Winford
Man vs Beach [M]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2022 1:31:29 GMT
Cherise Winford Avatar

She had been kneeling over the blonde when he suddenly awakened. A flurry of curses left his mouth, and Cherise watched as he blasted out of the sand by sheer force. She jerked back in reflex, landing in a heap on her butt so that they didn't both end up with a bump on their heads and a mean headache. He was buried pretty deeply in there honestly she was impressed at how quickly he had dug himself back out! But she was still worried about that burn on his face. [break][break]

When he came back, he had a sheepish look on his face, and the girl allowed herself to laugh. Quick and bright, she wished she could say it was more at the situation than the blonde himself, but it was rare she come across someone so animated. "It's really no problem." At the mention of how long he had been buried, she would stare at the hole the blonde had left before nodding. "You know, I was wondering how that happened - you slept through a proper burial." Honestly, had he passed out? Should she be more worried? "Why didn't your grave diggers come check on you?" She was still plopped in the sand as she asked her question, but that worked fine because she could dig around in her bag while she talked. There wasn't that much in the tote, so she pretty quickly found what she was looking for. [break][break]

"I'm Cherise, it's nice to meet you Isaac." She offered the water bottle bottle alongside her introduction. "You seem alright now, but tell me if you feel light headed. I've got aloe too, for your sunburn. I burn pretty easily too.




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played by


The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
Man vs Beach [M]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2022 1:53:31 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Shit. He must've startled her when he popped out of the sand like a wild Cacnea. Upon realizing that the girl wasn't quite sitting on the sand by choice, he offered a hand to try and help her up. Luckily, that bit wasn't sunburned. Neither was the rest of him. There was something amusing about the stark difference between the healthy tan the rest of his body had and the sheer level of fry the poor soul's face had been through. "Heh. My bad."[break][break]

At the mention of the sheer extent of his burial, Isaac couldn't help but laugh a bit. "I know, right? It's like an entire construction crew passed by while I was asleep," he joked. "Makes me wonder how the hell that even happened. Til you showed up, it was just me and . . . my . . ."[break][break]

Isaac looked towards the waters, where a Totodile stacked on top of a Turtwig's shell and a Dracovish were playing some 2-on-2 beach volleyball against a Rhyhorn and an Eevee. A Golbat, safely tucked underneath a beach umbrella, was currently serving as the referee.[break][break]

Well, there they were![break][break]

Isaac graciously accepted the offer of a bottle, taking a much needed big swig of water. When he was done, he shot Cherise a bright, gentle smile. "Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a few little delights I need to go talk to," he said. He turned on his heel, heading over to the distant members of his team. "Hey, Watson! I gotta question for you!"[break][break]

That was the cheery tone of a man who was absolutely not happy with what was going on right now. Team Isaac took one look at the beach, saw their hilariously-burned trainer, and promptly broke into a miniature panic. The makeshift volleyball net and beach ball were quickly stowed away as they started doing their best to clean their act up. Considering of all members present, only Watson had hands, it was quite the anarchic process.[break][break]

He looked over his shoulder towards Cherise. "I think I left all the responsible adults at home," he admitted. "But they mean well, even if they can be a bunch of scatterbrains. You can come meet 'em too, if you want."[break][break]

[attr="class","skullinfo"]377 WORDS /


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#d9b800;[/newclass]

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Cheri, Cherry
June 13
Cinnabar Island
Ranger / Performer
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TAG WITH @cherise
Cherise Winford
Man vs Beach [M]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2022 16:17:15 GMT
Cherise Winford Avatar
“Thank you!” Cherise gladly took the hand and pulled herself up, leaving her bag on the beach under Aylette’s watchful eye, “The crew must be on their lunch break!” The girl would joke back, smile curling into a little grin, Isaac would look out at the water, and Cherise followed suit, blue eyes scanning the water until they fell near where the blonde’s gaze had landed. A totodile, a tuft wig, and a Pokémon the Kanto born girl wasn’t too familiar with were playing some volley ball. It was definitely one of the cutest things that she had ever seen, they had made little teams together! Their opponents she recognized as a Rhyhorn and an Eevee, one of which she had brought one of to the beach herself.

Maybe their teams would be able to meet each other? Cherise’s Pokémon could certainly use some socializing. Convincing Aylette to take a day off was almost impossible. Although that was her fault, because whenever the Pidgeot managed to take a moment and breathe her partner had managed to get herself into another sticky situation. Isaac excused himself, and Cherise would nod, watching him go to possibly chew out his Pokémon for leaving him in the sand to burn. She covered her mouth to stop the laugh from being too obvious - although her blue eyes were crinkled with obvious amusement. His Pokémon seemed to remember the prank they had played on their trainer the moment he called out to them, and Cherise almost felt bad for them seeing their panic stricken faces.

“Well, we are at the beach! We’re all entitled to a bit of silliness.”
She grinned, and looked up at her Pidgeot, the bird ruffled her feathers in response. “I would love to meet them! You can meet my team too.” Her Pokémon were a little shy in comparison. Aylette was quite serious, and Wilbur was had a bad case of shyness, but seemed to have perked up being at the beach. Delilah was eyeing the other eevee curiously. ”Wilbur, Delilah, come here!” She called out to the two Pokémon that were playing on the beach a little ways out. The two were fairly obedient, running and waddling respectively, over to their keeper.

She went over to stand beside Isaac, waving at his team. “Hello there, enjoying the beach I see,” “I’m from Kanto, so I’m not familiar with the little guy with the blue head.” It was a peculiar looking Pokémon, it’s insides sort of looked like teeth! Her small Pokémon crowded around her feet, and Ducklette shyly half flapped half waved at the other Pokémon that his trainer was talking to.

This is Wilbur, and Delilah.” She would introduce the little Pokémon to Isaac, nodding toward each as she said their names - and then motion toward Aylette, who was a little ways back and settled on the beach next to her tote bag. “That’s Aylette, she’s my first Pokémon. We’ve been working together a long time now,”

Which one is Watson?” She was glad that he gave his Pokémon names. People that did tended to be easier for her to talk to than those that chose not to,

Ooc: I’ll make this pretty later, I’ll just break the code while I’m on my tablet lmao
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played by


The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
Man vs Beach [M]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2022 17:09:13 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Great to meet you three," Isaac said, flashing a grin to the assembled group of Pokemon. A cheerful little Eevee, a bashful Ducklett, and a proud, powerful Pidgeot to lead the group. It was an adorable team, and one Isaac could tell was quite dedicated to their trainer.[break][break]

At the mention of who Watson was, the Totodile proudly stepped forward. He flashed a bright, cheerful smile to Cherise and her twam, before turning around to introduce the others. The series of rasping barks he made had the cadence of the nicknames Isaac had given to the group, but beyond that sounded like . . . well, rasping barks. Nevertheless, Isaac let him finished, clearly smirking from amusement the whole time.[break][break]

"What he meant to say," Isaac continued after Watson's delightful introductions. "Is that these are his teammates. The Turtwig's Ceres. The two of them are a natural team, even if the two of them sometimes get carried away when they're hatching a scheme together." The Turtwig smiled bashfully at that, while Watson shrugged haplessly.[break][break]

"The one with the blue head is Grimace. He's a Dracovish. I'm . . . not really sure if they put him together right." As if for emphasis, the poor thing's heavy head and flexible body left him tilting to one side when a particularly stiff breeze hit. "But despite that, he's living his best life."[break][break]

"Rampage is the Rhyhorn. She means well, but she can get a little intense. And Vivi's the baby of the group, ao the others love to spoil her and show off for her." As if for emphasis, Rampage launched the ball sky high as a starry-eyed Vivi watched it sail away.[break][break]

"And then there's Sunny hiding in the umbrella. He can't handle the light, but for some reason he really loves the beach. So I made sure we took him." The Golbat waved a wing and squeaked out a hello, still hanging upside down.[break][break]

They didn't seem quite as obedient and orderly as Cherise's set. However, they were still quite friendly and approachable, excitedly chittering both among themselves and with Cherise's team. "So what brings you here? I don't know if anyone's told you, but the beach is dangerous this time of year," he said. He looked around conspiratorially, before stage whispering "I hear people are getting sunburned."


[attr="class","skullinfo"]377 WORDS /


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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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